小小潇荷 发表于 2016-6-28 17:12:45


本帖最后由 小小潇荷 于 2016-6-28 17:14 编辑


项目编号:MLTV1401-6项目名称:文化和语言(中文)InterCutural and Language (Chinese)-New项目地点 沙功那空Sakon Nakhon时间6月1日-9月30日June – Sep.11月1日-2017年2月28日Nov. – Feb.工作类型 教育、儿童EDU/KIDS人数 2

BackgroundRajapachanukroh 53 School is the school for disadvantage and poor children in country side of Sakon-Nakhon ,Thailand.The school is under the royal foundation offer education, food and accommodation for the children that have no parents, the children from the poor family, and the children from very remote area. They can come and stay at the school from the primary (7 years) to high school (18 years). They are staying at the school with the teacher, so we are offer them not only education but also life and opportunities.Give primary Thai students have the big chance to communication with the foreigner. Destroy shyness from them and let them used to foreigner even now not only English is important to be in the world. Education camp is the most wanted from Thai people when thinking of cultural diversity. After many camps have done in the primary schools. The students are getting use to with the foreigners and some dare to speak out. We need to keep continuing their chance to meet and share with international volunteers as their improvement. We hope one day the students from the rural area will have more confident to speak English and face to foreigners, also more understanding in cultural diversity similar as the students in the big city. No more knowledge gap!项目背景Rajapachanukroh 53学校是泰国沙功那空府(Sakon-Nakhon)农村地区的一所贫困儿童学校。学校由泰国皇室基金提供教育、膳食和住宿,学生包括孤儿、贫困家庭的孩子和偏远地区的孩子。孩子们从7岁至18岁均可在此就读,他们和老师一起住在学校,学校除了为孩子提供教育,也提供生活和其他机会。孩子们有很多机会与外国人沟通,让他们不再害羞,明白世界上不仅仅学习英语很重要。机构已在学校举办过多次的工作营,教育工作营是泰国人民了解文化多样性最需要的活动。孩子们越来越敢于与外国人说话,我们需要继续给他们这样的机会。与外国志愿者见面、分享有助于促进孩子们的成长。我们希望农村地区的孩子能更有自信地说外语、和外国人交流,如大城市的孩子般了解文化的多样性,不再有知识的差距。WorkingVolunteers are expecting to work as Chinese teacher in high school. You can prepare the easy Chinese lesson and useful conversation. Open and shared a new experience with the students. Use your own experience for teaching and enjoying with games.工作志愿者将作为高中的中文教师,准备教授简单的中文课程和常用的对话,与学生交流开放与共享的经验。以你的经验授课并享受其中的游戏乐趣。 Location Rajapachanukroh 53 School, A. Phanna Nikhom, Sakon-Nakhon, Thailand.Having a long, culturally diverse history, Sakon Nakhon features a unique mixture of ancient traditions. http://www.tourismthailand.org/Where-to-Go/Sakon-Nakhon位置泰国 沙功那空府 藩那尼空 Rajapachanukroh 53学校。这里有悠久、多元的文化,融汇了古老而独特的传统。 Accommodation and food Volunteer will stay at the school accommodation. You have your own accommodation (Bedroom and bathroom). Have a meal at the school.食宿志愿者入住学校宿舍,有独立的卧室和浴室,在学校用餐。 TerminalUdon Thani Airport, Sakon Nakhon bus station到达终点泰国东北部的乌隆机场(距离曼谷市东北部450公里),沙功那空汽车站 Leisure ActivitiesBeautiful temples, and silk and handicraft villages.休闲活动游览美丽的寺庙,了解丝绸和村庄的手工艺品。 Extra Fee 14,000 Bath per month for 1st months (including project preparation and orientation week) and 12,000 Bath for 2nd, 3rd month after 4th months is 10,000 Bath per month.到达营费第一个月14000泰铢/月(已含项目准备和迎新周)。第二~三月12000泰铢/月,从第四个月开始10000泰铢/月。 Special Remarks Volunteer should love to play with kids and please bring some teaching material such as book, kids’ education game, stationary, etc. from your country, it will be the good way for culture exchange and made students have more motivation.特别说明志愿者应热爱与孩子们玩,请从国内带上教学材料如书籍、孩子的教育游戏、文具等等,这将是很好的文化交流的方法,并能激发学生的学习动力。 Note VSA provide Home Stay or Host Family for volunteer who has short travel period before or after workcamp or MLTV project. This is an opportunity for volunteer to exchange with ordinary Thai for few days. http://www.volunteerspirit.or.th/International-Volunteer/home-stay-in-thailand注意志愿者在项目之前或之后的短途旅行,泰国机构可提供寄宿家庭接待,志愿者有机会与当地家庭进行交流。

liz1341860523 发表于 2016-8-6 11:20:58

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查看完整版本: 泰国对外汉语教学:适合毕业义工旅行或间隔年深入文化行